Student Scholar Presentations

An opportunity for Student Fellows and other members of our intellectual community to share findings from their academic research or independent investigations sponsored by the Institute

A Brief History of Western Harmony and Music’s Relationship to Nature - Michael Ochoa

Thursday January 31st in our offices. Lunch will be provided.

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 - Past Presentations - 

Rather Turkish than Papist: Islam and the Counter-Reformation - Henry Allen

This presentation will discuss the effect of the advances of Islam into middle-age Italy on the Papal philosophies of the Counter-Reformation. One primary subject will be how parallels between the early Arab invasions of Europe and the later Turkish invasions of Europe contributed to a sense of sameness between the two, as well as shaped the Papal perception of Islam’s relationship with Protestantism.

Friday October 26th 2pm at our offices

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Cicero’s Lessons for Americans - VICTOR A. MEZACAPA IV '18

"Our Student Fellow, Victor Mezacapa IV, will discuss the importance of civic virtue to republics as imagined by Cicero, whose political philosophy profoundly influenced several Founding Fathers.  Cicero’s detailed discussions in his treatise On Duties (De Officiis) of what makes a virtuous citizen will help republican citizens living in America today reflect on the best way for them to live."

Monday, April 9 from 7:30 - 8:45 pm at our offices, Suite G10, 14 Arrow Street, Cambridge, MA

Victor was kind enough to share his PowerPoint presentation with us: Cicero’s Lessons for Americans

Cleaning off the Rust - CADEN PETERSMEYER '19

How are the personal experiences and consequences of deindustrialization affecting people’s worldviews and opinions – and therefore the direction of the country? 

Come join our Student Fellow, Caden Petersmeyer, in a presentation and discussion of his findings from a summer on the road through some of the country’s most forgotten towns and cities.

Tuesday, October 10th at 7:30pm at our offices: 14 Arrow St., Suite G10, Cambridge, MA.